Thursday 8 May 2008

Letting go

Look! A jumper!

As promised, here's the latest thing I have been working on. I am excessively pleased with this garment. It fits me extremely well, the colours are a delight, the way they merge from one to another is very subtle and lovely. It suits me very well indeed.

However, there is a problem. It's not for me. It will be used to take photos for my knitting kits, then I will sell it. I can see that this is not going to be easy! It's the difference between the idea of knitting for myself and my friends, and knitting for sale. I've realised that I tend to hold an idea in my mind of the person for whom this garment is being made, so that as well as it being made to their measurements, there is a sort of intention, throughout the making process, that the thing is actually for them. It's sort of knitted in with the wool. I wonder who will end up owning this jumper? It will certainly have a life away from mine. Will it go to someone I know? Or will someone on the Internet, maybe in a different country, buy it and wear it? Will they cherish it, will they pass it on after a season? Will it eventually pass into the hands of someone who doesn't know the story behind it? I wonder. Or even - well, this would be weird - will I see someone wearing it, one day, and recognise it? I hope I can restrain myself from rushing up to them and going 'see! See??! I made that!!!'

In other news, Molly's lamb is now called Lily. Here she is:

When this photo was taken, she hadn't even got to her feet yet, but I got a very strong sense that she knew exactly where she was, knew exactly what she was doing, and intended to have it all her own way. Newborn lambs often look majorly confused just after they have been unceremoniously turfed out of the womb, but not this one. I predict a interesting relationship ahead!

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